The WT study was horrible - filled with hypocrisy.
It talked about not have the superior attitude of my country is best and highlighted other forms of partiality and discrimination that should be avoided. But somehow their own religious superiority complex and bigotry of considering JWs alone to be true and denigrating everyone else as "worldly" didn't enter the picture. Hypocrites!
The part about not getting involved in worldly controversies was almost intolerable. During that time, this quote weighed on my mind: "all that it takes for evil to triumph, is that good men do nothing". I also wanted to scream at the audience:
"Well its a good thing that christendom's abolitionists of the 19th century didn't live by this philosophy of not getting involved in worldly controversies! Because if they did maybe most of us in here would still be on the slave plantations being whipped and treated like animals, there being nothing against slavery in the bible and all! Wake up you insufferable jackasses!"